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Statement on the racist riots and attacks in August 2024

The recent racist attacks, riots and unrest in the country, has created profound fear and pain for many individuals and families across the UK. The uncertainty in our communities is unsettling, and for those who feel targeted or unsafe, these times are even more challenging than before. 

We are United Impact, a group of about 60 members, who are all migrants living in the UK, subjected to the hostile immigration environment. Most of us are on the 10 year route to settlement, and have or have had the no recourse to public funds (NRPF) condition attached to our visa, prohibiting us from accessing public funds. 

After the riots, these are some feelings many of us are still struggling with: 

"I am still scared to go out".

"I am afraid to wear my hijab in public".

"I am scared to let my children play outside".

"I am frightened to attend the mosque". 

How do I explain to my children when they ask, “why are they saying I’m different?” 

"I am still in shock. I never imagined I would experience this in the UK".

To the government:

We want to send a clear message to the UK government: stop the negative narrative around migrants, this is demonising those who contribute positively to this country.  We deserve fair and just treatment, not policies that seek to segregate or penalise us further. 

These acts of hate and violence target the very essence of our shared humanity. 

The NRPF policy has caused our members and thousands of others to be homeless, hungry, and forced to remain in exploitative or domestic violence situations as we cannot access public funds.  The policy has caused severe detrimental effects on the wellbeing of our families. 

We suffer racism on a daily basis due to the discrimination of the NRPF policy, we are forced to work all hours in low paid jobs; to try to pay the extortionate visa fees and the immigration health surcharge, for fear of otherwise becoming undocumented or deported. We are excluded from higher paid jobs due to our visa lengths, and from educational and professional development opportunities. Many migrants feel scared to speak out on these issues for fear of retaliation or job insecurity. We feel isolated, with poor mental and physical health.

The trauma of being a migrant in the UK has now been exacerbated by the recent riots and the negative narrative around migrants in the UK. We are subjected to poverty, and we are being attacked.

Many people with NRPF live in poor housing conditions provided by children’s social services, on extremely low financial subsistence rates, as we are prohibited from accessing social housing or welfare benefits. We suffer food poverty, and our children are living with generational trauma.  We receive huge invoices when giving birth or accessing vital NHS treatment, and many people avoid seeking NHS care for fear of the costs, leaving people in extreme danger.

It is said by some that  migrants are a burden on this country, we say we are part of its strength. Migrants contribute significantly to the economy, adding to the GDP and enriching the nation with hard work, dedication, and skills. A notable example is our contribution to the NHS, where a significant percentage of staff are migrants, providing essential healthcare and saving lives. 

Why are we being forced into impossible situations, despite our efforts to work, contribute, and build better lives, whilst we have no recourse to public funds? 

We ask the government to reconsider these hostile immigration laws, and their impact on people already struggling to make ends meet. The policies are racist! Enough is enough! 

Migrants enrich the communities we are part of.  We are your neighbours, your colleagues, and the healthcare workers who care for your families. Our goal is to build a future where our children, like yours, can grow up with pride and belonging.

To all anti-racist organisations and allies:

Thank you for your unwavering support. It gives us hope for a brighter future.

A Message to the General Public:

The recent racist attacks and riots have highlighted deep divisions in our society. While many may not directly feel the effects of these acts of violence or the hostile immigration system, their impact runs deep. Our families are torn apart by immigration rules and poverty, individuals live in fear, and entire communities are left vulnerable. 

We urge those who are not directly affected to listen, learn, and act. Racism and unjust immigration policies affect us all by eroding the very foundation of fairness and equality that our society stands for. This is not just the struggle of a few, it is a call to all of us to stand against injustice. 

We invite you to join us in building a future where everyone, regardless of race or immigration status, can live with dignity and safety.

This is a time for unity, resilience, and action. Together, we can build a society where hate has no home.

To every person of colour, migrant, or anyone affected by the hostile immigration system:

To those living in fear and concern for the future we say, “you are not alone!”. We, the members of United Impact, are here to stand with you in complete solidarity, support you, and work together towards a better, more inclusive society.

We understand your pain and share your anger. Together, we must keep calling out racism wherever it exists, working toward a better future for our children, our families, and a truly United Kingdom. We also recognise the importance of continuing to educate others where it is needed.

We stand united, and together, we will rise!

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